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Cry Faugh!Faugh-a-BallaghFaugh-a-BallaghCastleblayney Faugh's GAC'Faugh a Ballagh' for the Boys of the Irish Brigade"Faugh a ballagh!"(clear the way!): the Irish in the Confederate Army1st Battalion the Faugh-a-Ballaghs in the Great War (The Royal Irish Fusiliers.)Regolith-landform map of the Faugh-a-ballagh prospect, 1:5,000 CRC LEMEA misattributed quotation ? Sir William Napier, Faugh-a-Ballagh, and the 88th connaught rangersGeochemical dispersion in the Olary District, South Australia: Investigations at Faugh-a-Ballagh Prospect, Olary Silver Mine, Wadnam...